Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Outdoor/Indoor Fun

Lizard is taking advantage of the bigger yard and trying out her new slip and slide. Valerie is in the background playing in a small blow up pool.

When it's already 84 degrees at 7am what else are you going to do outside?

Little Bird is helping hold the camera for this one.

The pool is the perfect size and she loves to splash!

To beat the heat we also checked out the Children's Museum in Downtown Omaha.

Lizard is putting out a fire.

 There was a Wizard of Oz exhibit and Lizard took a picture of us sitting on the witch's thrown. (Did she have a thrown? I can't remember.)

In the Science Room they had air tunnels that you could put ball pit balls into and they would travel around the room. Little Bird found one her height and she had a lot of fun catching the balls and putting them in the tube. She also likes the feeling of air blowing her face. I our house the vents are all on the floor and she will stand over them and sit on top of them to feel the breeze. She can also take the vent covers off in a few places and I can't wait to see what she throws down there. :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Little Bird

Little Bird (her blog "code name") is having fun in the new house. It is a rare thing for her to sit still so I thought I would take a picture.

There is a golf course behind our house and at least once a day a stray ball makes its way into the backyard. Lizard (code name for the red head) is taking up a collection, but Little Bird found this one first. She likes to pick them up and throw them. 

This was taken on my phone so it's a little fuzzy. She's excited because she thinks she might be able to take the phone away from me.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Goodbye Fenton's Creamery

For those of you still in California, I am posting this photo to encourage you to go to Fenton's in Vacaville. The original location is in Oakland, CA and I used to go there as a kid when we lived in Walnut Creek and as a youth when we visited the Oakland Temple.
 Seriously!! Look at that ice cream. It is the best! We like it so much we drove there and met my grandparents on our last night in Cali just to taste it one more time. I got the Cookie Connection with cookie dough and cookies and cream ice cream, hot fudge, cold caramel (only get it cold-it is delicious), whipped cream and a cherry...all on top of a warm cookie. Yum!!