Monday, February 24, 2014

Little Big Sister

Little Bird is way into babies right now and is convinced that The Chief is an infant. She was ecstatic to be able to push him around in her baby stroller. He didn't seem to mind.
The other day she saw a drawing of a baby in the Friend magazine and said, "I want this baby mommy. Can I have this baby?"
She kept going back to the picture over and over again begging for the baby.

Graduation Day!! December 2013

I forgot that I had these photos on my phone. I didn't have my camera and was really bummed because my phone doesn't have a flash so I new I wouldn't be able to get any pics of the ceremony. These are better than nothing, and the school did send one photo as a gift that I scanned in .

Hubby was gone a lot with work and school, and it has been so nice having him home more the past couple of months. He really enjoyed his time at Creighton, but I'm glad his was able to finish so quickly.

These pictures were taken at Creighton. The hooding ceremony was small and I enjoyed it (even though I spent most of the ceremony at the top of the stairs with my two little ones). Creighton is a Jesuit school and for the hooding ceremony instead of having a priest pray, they ask for volunteers in advance. Hubby volunteered for the opening prayer and was accepted. He walked up to the podium, said the prayer and as he was walking back to his seat Little Bird yelled, "Hi Daddy!"


Like all young children (and adults for that matter) Little Bird can get super you can see.