Sunday, August 11, 2013

Iowa State Fair - Nothing Compares

Right after we moved to Omaha I happened upon a "top 100 things you should do before you die" list, and on that list was the Iowa State Fair. It was too late to go last year, so this year we decided to check it out. Our family loves the state fair. In the nine years we lived in California, we attended the California State Fair eight times. I would say that if I had a bucket list, entering something in the State Fair and winning a ribbon would be on it. I thought California's state fair was great, and we had a good time at Iowa's too. 

This is us right at the beginning of the fair. This entire street was lined with food vendors and just about everywhere you go there is food.

This was part of the Hy-Vee forrest. Hy-Vee is a grocery store chain out here and they sponsored a small kids area.

This wooden train was fun.

The Chief is checking out a patriotic bench while the girls look at the doll houses and wood carving entries.

Poor The Chief. Having Little Bird behind you can be a real pain...literally. There are times when she just won't leave him alone. 

The had some cool old tractors on one of the paths.

This was part of a lumberjack show.

Little Bird loves snorting like a pig and had fun pretending to be one. In this building there were ducklings, chicks, baby turkeys, piglets, and lambs just born that morning (they also had a nursing station which was very grateful for).

I got a little fancy with Little Bird's hair and was surprised that she let me do it. This girl will put up with quite a bit if it will help her look like a princess.

The Iowa State Fair is known for it's food on a stick. While they have some of the normal fair favorites like Lizard's gigantic corn dog on a stick they also have some unusual "food on a stick" options like pork chops, rice krispie treats, fried pineapple (pineapple dipped in funnel cake batter and fried), bacon wrapped riblet, Dutch letter, and deep fried butter on a stick...I'm not kidding, they really have deep fried butter on a stick.

This was a golden graham and cocoa krispy treat called a Graham Champion. It was super thick and was one of the cheaper treats at only $2.


Lego had set up some stations where kids could build things. We didn't have time to play, but we did manage to get a fun picture.

We got to pet quite a few animals at the fair. A horse, a sheep and even a calf. The livestock were housed in buildings that were built in 1915 for that purpose. There was a cattle, sheep, swine and horse building. Many of the exhibits were housed in old buildings too, and some of the buildings were as fun to look at as what was inside them.

This is the butter cow. It's another Iowa State Fair tradition. In addition to the cow there was also a carving of Abraham Lincoln in butter.

This is me showing my goat. I didn't win a ribbon though.

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