Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cool Tricks

The Chief shows off his mad stair climbing skills and Little Bird demonstrates her Super Face Plant Fall. 
The Chief can go down the stairs backwards if he hasn't reached the top, otherwise he'll try to go down head first. Not always the best technique when there's more than two steps. 
I'm not sure why Little Bird started face planting on the bed, but she's a little crazy like that. I had more video but accidentally erased it. She starting whining not because I was asking her to do it again, but because I didn't give the correct "command." She's pretty particular about those kinds of things...well actually, she's VERY particular about pretty much everything and her whimper was a mild reaction. Usually she's screaming as loud as possible. If she has a hoarse voice at the end of the day you know what kind of day it was.

What is it about the dishwasher?

Do all kids like the dishwasher? I wonder if the dishwasher is related to the bookcase in a twice removed kind of way. Something about items being arranged in a certain order and being able to disrupt that order by removing those items from the racks, shelves, baskets, drawers, etc. I wish kids liked organizing chaos as much as they enjoyed creating it.

I'm Stuck...why are you taking a picture?

I was in the other room working on the computer when I heard The Chief calling for help. When I saw him stuck between the rails separating the eating area and the family room I couldn't resist running to get my camera. My phone was the closest so that's why the photos aren't great but you can still tell what's going on.

"Hey mom I'm in trouble!!"

"Oh good, you've come to rescue me."

"Why are you taking pictures instead of getting me out of here?!!!"

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Canada Geese

The Canada Geese love the grass on the golf course. When the course isn't very busy a large flock of them will land and start consuming grass as fast as they can. The other day there was an albino Canada Goose and I asked hubby to run down and try and get a picture of it. Lizard took The Chief and went with him.


Heron Haven II

We had enough fun last year at the Heron Haven festival that we decided to go back again. (The fact that it's within walking distance and it was such a nice day didn't hurt.) This year was even better than last year and the kids really had a fun time.

The Chief still likes the stroller. Usually once my kids start walking the stroller isn't so fun anymore. If you don't strap him in he stands up and faces you while you're pushing. 

One of the activities was making bird feeders out of water bottles, dowels and twine. As soon as we got home Lizard put hers outside. She said she saw one bird eating from it.

In Butterfly Encounter the butterflies land on your hand and you can also carry around a "sugar water" soaked sponge to attract them to you.

I guess since Heron eat fish it made some sense to have a fishing station.

Little Bird enjoyed being surrounded by a giant bubble.

Here we are working together to crack open a geode. Little Bird was feeling pretty spiffy in the safety goggles.

I asked hubby to get a good photo of Lizard's arm painting but he must not have heard me. You can tell in the picture that it's a web and a spider but you can't see the details. The face painter was really talented and she did some amazing things on kid's faces.

This is the beginning of a walking path through Heron Haven. The path was a little too crowded to navigate with the double stroller so we'll have to go back again another time.

What mess?

Little Bird loves this silver sequined Santa hat (she thinks it's a princess hat). It's awesome how kids will empty out a toy or dress up bin just to spend the entire time playing with one thing.

Without Lizard around to help The Chief managed to avoid dressing up this time around.

Are you looking at me?

The Chief Likes Peas

I like peas. Little Bird used to like peas, but now not so much, and hubby and the Lizard are not fans. It is lonely being the only one in the family who likes to eat peas so I was glad to find out that The Chief likes them too. Right now there isn't much he can eat, so I am glad. (The boy has some food allergies that we're trying to figure out so we're going slow with introducing foods. If he eats the wrong thing he gets hives and vomits. I know, yuck. We're also still doing battle with his face rash that keeps coming back...sigh;)

There seems to be a little something on your nose.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Chief Dresses Up

The Chief suffered his first humiliation at the hands of his big sister. He was a good sport though. I think he liked the attention.

Here he is dressed up a little more appropriately as a deep sea diver. His hair was getting pretty shaggy and you can see in the photos above that I gave him a haircut. It was his third. The guy has tons of hair.

Me Want Cookie

Lizard had a lose tooth and it was bugging her to eat. I told her to just get it over with and yank it out but she was afraid it would hurt. In the end it was the desire to enjoy one of her grandfather's cookies that gave her the push to just pull the thing out. She left the room angrily after dinner, wiggled away, and came back with a hole in her mouth. She told me to put on the blog that she wanted the cookie so bad she didn't care how much it hurt to get the tooth out. (I thought it was funny that she came to me and suggested the blog post...usually she doesn't want me to post anything about her.)

First Day of Fifth Grade

It just doesn't feel right starting school in the middle of August. What has happened to summer break? It seems to be getting shorter and shorter. Sigh...there was once a time when school started after Labor Day. Those were the days.

 We love walking to school...well at least I do...I think the kids do too.

She's laughing because she can't believe I'm making her stand there while I take her picture. Apparently I didn't embarrass her this year as much as last year though. 

These two will never have the chance to go to school together. By the time Little Bird is in Kindergarten Lizard will be in 8th Grade. Little Bird is starting to get upset when Lizard leaves and wants to go with her.