Sunday, September 15, 2013

Heron Haven II

We had enough fun last year at the Heron Haven festival that we decided to go back again. (The fact that it's within walking distance and it was such a nice day didn't hurt.) This year was even better than last year and the kids really had a fun time.

The Chief still likes the stroller. Usually once my kids start walking the stroller isn't so fun anymore. If you don't strap him in he stands up and faces you while you're pushing. 

One of the activities was making bird feeders out of water bottles, dowels and twine. As soon as we got home Lizard put hers outside. She said she saw one bird eating from it.

In Butterfly Encounter the butterflies land on your hand and you can also carry around a "sugar water" soaked sponge to attract them to you.

I guess since Heron eat fish it made some sense to have a fishing station.

Little Bird enjoyed being surrounded by a giant bubble.

Here we are working together to crack open a geode. Little Bird was feeling pretty spiffy in the safety goggles.

I asked hubby to get a good photo of Lizard's arm painting but he must not have heard me. You can tell in the picture that it's a web and a spider but you can't see the details. The face painter was really talented and she did some amazing things on kid's faces.

This is the beginning of a walking path through Heron Haven. The path was a little too crowded to navigate with the double stroller so we'll have to go back again another time.

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