Thursday, March 27, 2014


Okay, so it's probably common knowledge by now, but I am slow when it comes to making this kind of announcement. case there are some of you out there who look and my blog and don't know yet, I am expecting baby #4!

When it comes to my pregnancies I have a few patterns that I like to follow...I always go into labor within an hour of going to bed, all my labors have begun on a weekend, it's always convenient for my mother, and all my babies were 7lbs. 11oz. at birth. In addition, two out of the three of my previous pregnancies were accompanied by an out of state move. Why break with tradition?! 

I'm not too worried about finding a new doctor though. Not one of my doctors has been present at the delivery of any of my children because they were either out of town or not on call. So, if I don't find a doctor I love, no biggy they probably won't be the one delivering this baby anyways. :)

I am currently 20 weeks and will be 21 weeks on Sunday. Tuesday I found out what I am having, and it's a....


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