Sunday, September 20, 2015

Impromptu Hospital Stay

Hubby had been out of town for four days and had just gotten back when The Chief was having a hard time breathing. He had been diagnosed with asthma (come to find out there are a lot of doctors out there that say you can't diagnose asthma in younger kids...but I digress), and on occasion would take albuterol with a nebulizer. Not the funnest thing to do with a two year old, but worth it when it helps. Well, long story short, I took him to the doctor, he wasn't responding to breathing treatments and ended up going to the emergency room. From there he was transferred to a children's hospital and was there until he stabilized. Luckily he bounced back pretty quick and was only hospitalized for 48 hours...though that is a long time for a little one. 

Upside down bunny nose.
We kept getting asked how he got the wound on his head. That's a rug burn from wresting with Little Bird on the carpet.

Can I just say that I hope none of you will ever have to hold down your kid while a nurse sticks an IV in them and draws blood for ten minutes. For some reason they don't like it!! :(

I let him take some selfies to distract him so he wouldn't pull off the mask.

 Checking out his stethoscope. They let him take it home, which he thought was really cool.

Taking a ride in the wagon. He didn't stay in it for very long. In fact, he got out and started pulling it around.

On the main floor there was a model train set up and The Chief could push a button and make the train move. We spent a lot of time looking at the trains.

The General Turns One

The General turned one on August 1st. He is so fun to have around and we love having him in our family. He's only in the 3rd percentile in size, but he's a determined little guy and walks all over the place. He's broken a few things, thrown stuff into the toilet and empties out cupboards constantly. Like all my kids he would rather be outside than in and is always on the go. However, he is my first to cuddle and will on occasion even fall asleep on me. That's a first for my kids. Love this boy!!

Lizard's birthday was just five days earlier, so instead of cake we had peach cobbler. He loves peaches.

The General got help opening and playing with his presents. Grandma gave the favorites, an electric guitar and a remote controlled car.

 I just threw these two in because I thought they were cute. On the left we had just finished swimming and on the right he had just woken up from a nap and had awesome hair.

The Chief Takes a Walk on the Wild Side

Our city's recreational department had some fun classes available this summer. Little Bird took a weekly tumbling class and Lizard enrolled in a week long animation course. I like signing the kids up through the city because it's affordable and allows the kids to try something out to see if they like it without a long term commitment. The Chief wasn't eligible for most courses, but I was able to sign him up for a Critter class.

The lady running the class took sick animals into her home. The Beaver came from Louisiana after the hurricane, and because it wasn't out in the wild while it was young it never developed water repellent fur. Without it, it gets too heavy when it's wet and will drown.

Trying to brush a bunny

Petting a Chicken...he was scared of it at first.

The armadillo was a wild thing. When petted, it would jump straight up and its bedding would fly all over the place. One little boy got covered in the stuff and was pretty upset.

He tried feeding it lettuce but it wasn't interested.

 The beaver spent the entire 45 minutes pushing his cage all over the room. It reminded me of The General. He would stand up on two legs and use his cage as a walker just like a little kid learning to walk. I couldn't get a clear shot of it walking because it would go too fast.