Sunday, September 20, 2015

The General Turns One

The General turned one on August 1st. He is so fun to have around and we love having him in our family. He's only in the 3rd percentile in size, but he's a determined little guy and walks all over the place. He's broken a few things, thrown stuff into the toilet and empties out cupboards constantly. Like all my kids he would rather be outside than in and is always on the go. However, he is my first to cuddle and will on occasion even fall asleep on me. That's a first for my kids. Love this boy!!

Lizard's birthday was just five days earlier, so instead of cake we had peach cobbler. He loves peaches.

The General got help opening and playing with his presents. Grandma gave the favorites, an electric guitar and a remote controlled car.

 I just threw these two in because I thought they were cute. On the left we had just finished swimming and on the right he had just woken up from a nap and had awesome hair.

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