Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Arizona State Fair in October

I love State Fairs. We went every year to the California State Fair while we were living in Folsom, and went to the Iowa State Fair while we were living in Omaha. What's not to like...arts and crafts exhibits, weird food, etc. The California State Fair was by far the best we've ever been to, but large or small we always have a good time.

They had a large candy exhibit that the kids loved. It went through the history of candy and had fun interactive displays.

 The General went to jail.

 Kissing for the camera isn't my thing, but I couldn't pass up the chance to do it in a giant Sweethearts box. Plus it had the added bonus of grossing out the Lizard.

The Chief always gets excited when there's a treat he can eat.

What is that dad?!!! It's called Poutine and there was a food vendor from Canada serving it up. Hubby used to have it on his mission in Canada and loved it. French fries with gravy and cheese.

Very cool building.

Every fair I've ever been to has had a dairy exhibit.

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