Friday, December 14, 2012

Crafty Christmas

I like to make things and when you move and have a new baby that doesn't happen very often. I have been going through creativity withdrawals. Thanksgiving helped a little because cooking is making something too, but it just isn't the same. 
Next week the sisters in our ward are having an ornament exchange and while I was trying to decide if I was going to recycle an ornament I already have or go out in by one it came to me that I should make one instead. I only had about an hour and a half so I thought about what material would be quick and easy...felt!! I love felt. I got the idea for the candy cane and the round ornament for They are really easy to make and nothing amazing, but it felt great to create and I had a lot of fun.

You just cut the shapes out and glue.

For the circles I traced two different sized cups. The white felt is cut with pinking shears though the effect is lost a little against the white background.

The Christmas trees are hand stitched using embroidery thread and on one of them I added beads for ornaments.  It is about 4 1/2" tall. (Not counting the string.)

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