Thursday, December 20, 2012

Honey Deliciousness

About once or twice a week I get emails from Martha Stewart with recipe ideas and craft projects that look fun but that I usually don't have time for. Last week one of the emails had a candy recipe for something called Honeycomb Brittle, and it looked pretty so I thought it would be worth a try. I searched the internet to see if there were any tips to making the stuff (candy making can be tricky for me) and in the process found and even better recipe. It was English so I had to convert the measurements, and this was the result.

 Cinnamon Honeycomb Brittle

After cooking it to hard crack stage you throw in a TBS of baking powder and that's what makes it look like honeycomb. I am usually more of a toffee girl myself but let me tell you...I like this even better. I had a hard time not eating the entire batch.

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