Monday, January 13, 2014

Arizona - Fun in the Sun

We got a break from the cold over the holidays and visited my sister in Gilbert, AZ...and for those of you who don't already know, that's where we'll be moving in a few months. Just in time for summer!! 

While we were in Arizona, the temperature was in the low 70's, but when we came back to Omaha it was in the teens with a wind chill in the "negative a whole bunch range." Ouch! It's the kind of cold that has your children begging for mercy when you open the car door to get them out.

 Pictures of us in front of the Gilbert Temple. The open house is in about a week and I wish we could be there. Lizard was able to go through the Sacramento Temple before it was dedicated, but she doesn't remember the experience.

 Little Bird is a little more cautious and wouldn't have anything to do with the trampoline at first. It took her Uncle Tyler to coax her into trying. Thanks Tyler! After that it was hard to get her off. She loved it.

They have an aquarium inside of a mall that was fun. Just the right size for little kids, and there's a playground at the end.

My dad and me. :)

Cute boy.

Look, The Chief is out of the stroller. He still isn't walking so he doesn't get out as much as he would like because our arms get tired of holding him.

We went to Arizona in March of last year and at that time Little Bird wasn't too sure about Clara. This time they spent almost all their time playing together. It was so cute to watch.

Clara is acting scared that she is getting eaten and Little Bird is wondering why I am making her stand there. 

A tight squeeze.


Noboby caught anything on this fishing trip, but it was so nice to be out enjoying the nice weather that nobody seemed to mind.


Fun pile of leaves!

The Chief is really into diapers. He likes throwing them away, sorting them, moving them from one place to another, etc. At one point he started throwing used diapers in the toilet, but once the toilet lid was shut he moved on to throwing diapers in the bathtub. Such a big helper!!

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