Sunday, June 1, 2014

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

 I made matching dresses for Little Bird and her cousin and couldn't resist her being festive for Memorial Day (her cousin is in Hawaii so I don't have a picture of them together yet). I asked Hubby to get some photos of her and this is what we got. She's not looking her best, but she was having fun playing outside.

Not sure what she was upset about at this moment, but she can get pretty grouchy. The first week we were in our new house she went on some kind of hunger strike and wouldn't eat. At one point she kept a bite of food in her mouth for three hours before we got her to spit it out. I think the change was hard on her, but she's adjusting and doing much better. Change is hard!

Pink Kitchen

Little Bird loves to pretend to cook, and I've been wanting to get her a kitchen but couldn't decide on what to get. I debated going the DIY route and making one from scratch, but then sanity kicked in and I realized that with the move that was unlikely to happen in the near future. Then I saw photos of the Ikea kitchen and thought it was really cute and decided I would get that one. While we were in Utah Little Bird saw a pink kitchen in the basement and came running up the stairs to tell me that she has a pink kitchen. I asked her if she wanted a pink kitchen and she said, "Stop saying that mommy, I have a pink kitchen. It's my pink kitchen."

There are all kinds of examples on the internet of Ikea kitchens that have been painted or altered so I knew I could make it pink if she wanted. Some have back splashes (I'm talking real tile), knobs for the oven, fabric, curtains, "stainless" appliances...we just went for a new paint job.

 Little Bird chose a light pink for her kitchen and we decided on Desire Pink. Some of the paint names are really funny. There was a Fussy Pink, Impatient Pink, Dragon get the idea. 

 While the kids were playing I painted the kitchen. Arizona is a great place to paint things because the paint dries really fast.

I am 29 weeks in this picture.

 Little Bird is really protective of her new pink kitchen so The Chief has to be sneaky in order to play with it.




Plane Ride

Instead of going in the car for the second half of the road trip The Chief and I flew from Salt Lake to Phoenix. It was nice to skip out on the additional 11 hour drive...I'm not a big fan of car rides.

The Chief was pretty good on the airplane, but near the end he was getting a little fussy so I let him take pictures of us on my phone.

Little Helpers

The Chief was very eager to help me take apart Little Bird's bunk beds. In general they were both interested in helping me pack, though their methods of taking things out of boxes as quick as I put them in held me back a little. Luckily, my friends watched them a few times and that allowed me to get a ton more done. The packing was hard on them and they didn't like mom being so busy and the toys all boxed up.


Road Trip - Omaha to Ogden (Uintah)

Even with all the packing and preparations the fact that we were moving didn't really hit me until we were driving away. I'll be honest, I won't be missing the Nebraska winters, but I will miss my awesome friends.

We decided to stop in Utah along the way to see hubby's family for a couple of days and to break up the trip. The drive took us about 13 hours, but the kids were pretty good and it wasn't too bad.
Our good friends put together a bag full of surprises that the kids could open along the way. The kiddos loved it and it really helped the drive be more enjoyable. Thanks Lori and Shaili!!

In addition to the fun new toys, Little Bird was also excited to be able to watch movies in the car.