Saturday, August 23, 2014

Whenever I Hear the Song of a Little Bird

Little Bird wanted to sing for her grandma. She hasn't been singing any songs from Frozen lately...can't say I'm bothered by it, but she is singing church songs a lot more. "Whenever I Hear the Song of a Bird" has become a new favorite (I wonder if that's because she just spent a week with her Grandma Wagner and that's her favorite song?)

First Day of School and A New School

Lizard is going on her 3rd Elementary School. That's how many I went too (well, four actually but one of them was for only a month so it hardly counts). Hubby might have gone to even more. 
For six years I walked her to school on the first day of school, but this year the school is too far to walk to and I had just had a baby so I missed it. :(

Lizard asked her dad if her eyes were closed in the picture and he said no.

She was supposed to be lined up outside but hubby forgot so he got this shot of her outside the classroom. She's looks a little stressed out about being in the wrong place, but I'm glad he forgot so we could have this picture.

It's the little things...

Here are some pics that I am posting because I am a mom and I think my kids are cute.

 Little Bird tackles "Beaver Mountain" at the play area in the mall.

The Chief decides to join her. You will notice in the background there is a red headed girl who is too big for the play area and wishes she could be doing something else. :)

The Chief kept trying to eat the plastic corn on the cob while waiting for his sisters to get their teeth cleaned.

We went to a play area after watching a summer movie (you know, the ones that are really cheap because they came out already). It was a coral/peachy pink kind of day and even The Chief's polo coordinated with his sister and cousins (the colors didn't quite turn out in the photo but they really did match quite well).


When I moved away from California two years ago I had two children. Now I have four. There's been a lot of change in my life lately. I am not bored.

This is a picture of me after a work out cleaning the house the day I gave birth. Hubby decided to take a picture of me that morning just in case.

 Up until now all my children have been 7lbs. 11oz. at birth but this "Little Peanut" as he was called in the hospital weighed in at 6lbs. 11oz. If you're going to break with tradition I'm good with going smaller rather than bigger.

Little Peanut was born at 10:22pm after a little less that four hours of labor and we left the hospital the next day at 11pm (the rule is you have to be in the hospital for at least 24 hours or we would have left sooner). When you leave that late at night they get you processed very quickly. I had a nurse ask me what I was going to do when I went home...sleep of course! I can't stand being in the hospital (I didn't say that though, I didn't want to hurt her feelings). Besides, the maternity ward was full and I spent most of my ''recovery" time on the ICU floor.

After First Bath

Chillin' in the Boppy

Nothing makes the baby of the family grow up faster than another baby. The Chief seemed to double in size overnight.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Lizard turns the big 1-1

Lizard's birthday was on Sunday this year so we stretched out the celebration over a couple of days. Friday I made her favorite meal, Swedish Meatballs. Saturday we went to the Lego Store and she made up three mini figures and picked out something for Christmas (we had all the b-day presents we needed). Sunday my sister and her family came over for presents and cake. 
Fun times for all!!

Strawberry Cake is her favorite and she asks for it every year, but she took pity on me this year in my pregnant state (it's a time consuming cake because I reduce strawberries to make a syrup to flavor the cake naturally...yadda, yadda, you get the idea). This year she chose my take on a Campfire Cake: a vanilla malt cake with a toasted marshmallow filling and chocolate frosting. I'm not winning awards for presentation, but it was yummy!


Look at all those presents!

The Chief giving his cousin a ride in his wagon.

Forget the presents, when do we eat cake?


A Book

More Legos!

Blow out the candles...

What are you waiting for?

Happy Birthday Lizard!! It's hard to believe its already been 11 years.

Finally we get cake.