Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gilbert Day Parade

I love parades. They are so much fun. In Folsom we would go to the Veteran's Day parade, and twice Lizard and I walked in it. Her PE teacher would organize the group and the kids decorated signs and threw out candy to the onlookers. We really enjoyed it.
When my sister told me that Gilbert has a parade too I was excited. This parade is a little fancier and you have to pay to participate, but maybe someday we will walk in it too.

The parade was in late November. It was a little chilly in the morning, but by the end of the parade I had taken off my jacket and rolled my pants up. 

The Chief is looking intently to see what's coming next.

These bikes are awesome. It must have taken quite a bit of practice ride them.

Someone turned a truck into Mater.

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