Thursday, May 28, 2015

Best Mother's Day Present Ever

Mother's's a special day when you're reminded of how much you are loved and appreciated...or if you're like me over the past decade or's a day that sneaks up on your husband and results in disappointment and let downs. Sorry honey. However, this year I took matters into my own hands and made a "suggestion" to my man on how to make this Mother's Day special. He took the hint and here is what I got...

A one year subscription to skoshbox, a company that sends a box a Japanese snacks to your door every month. Seriously awesome!

As most of you know (I think) I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Japan and loved it. The Japanese people are wonderful and their culture is fun a quirky. I miss the place (and my understanding of the Japanese language for that matter), and this small box of snacks makes me happy.

What's not to love right? Doesn't just looking at the packaging put a smile on your face? I even got an exclusive taste of the NEW flavor of Pocky Sticks. Cookies and cream so yummy. I'm not a huge snacker but they are fun to try and share.

The candy next to the Pocky was interesting. Banana shape puffy candies (think banana flavored circus peanuts) that you dip in chocolate and cover with sprinkles...chocolate covered bananas. Can't say they were my favorite, but fun to try and I did look similar to that kid on the package while eating them.

1 comment:

  1. Skoshbox is really fun subscription box. I'm glad you found it!
