Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

The Lizard's hat moves and plays Christmas music. She put it on top of her ears because she hoped it would make her look like an elf. Little Bird actually kept her hat on for a while. I was surprised.

 Little Bird wasn't into the group photo. She gave us this shot and then switched positions.

Tell us how you really feel. The tantrums have started already.

This outfit was a gift from my mom. I think it's adorable.

Look what I got!

Little Bird looking chipper after a Christmas Day nap.

Sunday Before Christmas

The kids look so nice dressed up in their Christmas outfits. Lizard did a good job holding The Chief.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day - No School

This is a first. School was never canceled in California. Lizard is loving having the day off to enjoy the 8" of newly fallen snow.

 I found this snow suit at a garage sale. Score!! 
"Mommy, do these pants make my bum look big?"

Even as bundled up as she was, Little Bird didn't even want to walk out the door. I made her stick it out for five minutes and Lizzy did her best to make it fun. The cold is no joke here though, the wind feels like it's going right through you. The temp was in the teens, but the real feel was barely above zero.

Lizard is letting Little Bird taste some delicious white snow.

There is it, the only time she smiled. It didn't last.

Honey Deliciousness

About once or twice a week I get emails from Martha Stewart with recipe ideas and craft projects that look fun but that I usually don't have time for. Last week one of the emails had a candy recipe for something called Honeycomb Brittle, and it looked pretty so I thought it would be worth a try. I searched the internet to see if there were any tips to making the stuff (candy making can be tricky for me) and in the process found and even better recipe. It was English so I had to convert the measurements, and this was the result.

 Cinnamon Honeycomb Brittle

After cooking it to hard crack stage you throw in a TBS of baking powder and that's what makes it look like honeycomb. I am usually more of a toffee girl myself but let me tell you...I like this even better. I had a hard time not eating the entire batch.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Little Momma

Little Bird is more and more attached to her baby doll that she inherited from Lizard. It looked brand new when she got it because Lizard was more into animals than dolls. She likes me to "cry" so she can sooth her baby and make it feel better.

 Notice the baby is missing her clothes. She likes take things off and apart, unfortunately she has a hard time putting them back together.

Matching Daddy

Hubby thought it was neat that he matched The Chief last Sunday. They are reversed. Hubby has on navy pants and a brown corduroy jacket and The Chief is wearing a navy vest and brown corduroy pants. It's funny because I have inadvertently matched the girls several times so now it's his turn.

Poor Boy

As I mentioned before (I think) I am constantly protecting The Chief from Little Bird. Did I mention she has super stealth speed and is very determined. We had just gotten home from picking Lizard up from school and The Chief was sitting in the car seat with the fabric cover still over him. Next thing I know I can just see Little Bird's bum sticking out and this was the result. He hasn't slept in his car seat since.

Aren't snaps so much fun!!

Crafty Christmas

I like to make things and when you move and have a new baby that doesn't happen very often. I have been going through creativity withdrawals. Thanksgiving helped a little because cooking is making something too, but it just isn't the same. 
Next week the sisters in our ward are having an ornament exchange and while I was trying to decide if I was going to recycle an ornament I already have or go out in by one it came to me that I should make one instead. I only had about an hour and a half so I thought about what material would be quick and easy...felt!! I love felt. I got the idea for the candy cane and the round ornament for They are really easy to make and nothing amazing, but it felt great to create and I had a lot of fun.

You just cut the shapes out and glue.

For the circles I traced two different sized cups. The white felt is cut with pinking shears though the effect is lost a little against the white background.

The Christmas trees are hand stitched using embroidery thread and on one of them I added beads for ornaments.  It is about 4 1/2" tall. (Not counting the string.)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Little Bird in Action

A Lesson from Little Bird

I have been trying to download videos to my blog for some time and it finally worked. Yes!!

It's alright when Little Bird points out parts of the face on Lizard, but it becomes a problem when she tries to do it to The Chief. Most of my day is spent feeding and protecting The Chief from his loving yet overly exuberant sister.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Star Student

Lizard is very, and I mean very, embarrassed that I am posting this, but I think it's neat so I'm doing it anyways. At her school there is an award called the Star Student. Once a month there is one Star Student chosen from each class through anonymous voting. Each student is allowed one vote that is written on a piece of paper and then placed in a box.
Apparently, last month Lizard came in second place and this month she was chosen as the Star Student. I am so happy that even though she is new and didn't have any friends before starting school that she has been able to make a good impression on the other students and that they would want to vote for her. Moving and starting a new school is hard and I'm grateful she is having a good experience.
The reward for being a Star Student is at the end of the week you get to sit at a special table for Star Students with two friends you invite and eat a cookie. Sweet!!