Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Fun

Just about every Easter of my childhood was spent at my grandmother's house. We would dye a dozen eggs each and hunt for them and then we would have additional hunts. Every year there was a different theme and she would hide candy and toys that went along with the theme. It didn't matter how old we got, her Easter parties were the best.
Well, this year we were on our own, so to keep tradition alive, we had another family over yesterday (Saturday before Easter) and had an egg hunt, with a couple extra hunts and an adult hunt too. I love you grandma!!!

 This "carrot" was for one of the extra hunts. I also filled a cute paper Easter bag with some goodies that are in the photo above. For the adult hunt I skewered Peeps and wrapped them up (you can buy them in the store that way but they are more fun to make on your own). I forgot to take a picture of those.

For dessert I found a recipe for a giant Sno Ball. Hubby is a big fan and since Hostess bit the dust I thought I would try to make it for him. It's a chocolate cake with a marshmallow butter cream filling and frosting. It's supposed to be a light pink coconut on top, but that's as close as I could get it with the food coloring. Little Bird is always first in line to lick the batter.

Another tradition is lining up the kids by age. The Chief can't stand and that left Little Bird and Lizard. Lizard made some bunny ears for her head band and I think she did a great job.

 Look!! We're outside. The weather warmed up just in time for our hunt. It rained during the night, but the sun came up and "dried up all the rain and the insie winsie" Little Bird had lots of fun searching for eggs.


We tried to make sure Little Bird's items weren't too hard to the middle of the grass.

These are my friend's three boys.

The kid's got to hide the adult's treat and they hid them really well. It took us a while to find them. One of the kids had placed rocks and leaves and bark over the peeps and it resembled some kind of ancient burial ground.

Jessica and Me

My favorite game on the Price is Right is Plinko and I thought it would be fun to make my own. I used a some boxes, toilet paper rolls and cans. I placed labels on the cans representing points, and used and egg for a ball. Each player had 5 tries and we totaled their points. I like the game because it doesn't matter how old you are...for example, I got last place and Little Bird came in second.

I found a cute idea online for turning rolls into bunnies. You clip ears using scissors and a toothpick to make the eyes. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the finished product. They were cute.


The other tradition we had at grandma's was playing Bingo. We used Jelly Beans for the markers and played for quarters. One round was worth $1.50. And for those of you worried that I am exposing innocent children to gambling, no cards were purchased. They played for free. :)


Animal Cookies
I guess these aren't very Eastery, but I had been wanting to use these cutters my mom got me a while ago and they were so fun.


 Easter Bark

Coconut Macaroon nests with white chocolate and mini Cadbury eggs 



  1. Macaroons-- yummm-- everything looks so fun!

  2. We had such a great time. Thank you for inviting us...our holidays are not nearly as fun as this!
