Sunday, March 10, 2013

Late Nights

I made a dress. A real dress...that's lined...with sleeves...and ric rac. 
I am so grateful to the talented seamstresses out there who make wonderful tutorials so I can sew fun things.

 If you don't want your ric rac to move then you have to pin every bump (not sure if the part that sticks out is ric or rac). The photo above is the hem pinned with 1/2" ric rac, and below is a close up so you see how many pins that is. I had to do the same thing on the bodice of the dress too.

 I was so excited to have Little Bird wear this dress for Easter, but it turns out my attempts at making a 2T dress that wasn't too small resulted in a 3T instead. She will have to wait until next Easter to wear it.


 This is a skirt I made using an old t-shirt of Lizard's and some cute fabric from the Walmart clearance section.

A skirt made from pants I bought at Goodwill.
I don't know what it is about grey skirts, but I love them. The day I met my hubby I was wearing a grey skirt. I haven't had one in a while, so I looking forward to wearing this one. It might not be the fashion, but it's what I like.

I needed a birthday present for my friend's one year old and found this great tutorial online for felt covered hair clips. Her name is printed on a piece of card stock and placed in a bag I usually use for treats. The font is one I found online for free. I am a free font junky and am always on the look out for a new one.

I liked them so much I decided I needed to make some for Little Bird too. I don't think I'm done yet though. They really are fun to make. 

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