Sunday, October 27, 2013

Little Bird Acts Grown Up

Camera phones are great because a lot of the time they're close by and you can capture the moments you usually miss.

Why can't they have these in all of the stores? I know...they're probably expensive, but they are so nice for toddlers I am tempted to buy one for myself and take it with me in the car. Little Bird loves going shopping and likes being my little helper. (We have a little toy one but these metal ones can carry more and are sturdier.)

I was nursing Simon one night when Little Bird crawled into bed next to me and started "feeding" her baby. After about a minute she realized she didn't have any reading materials (I read sometimes when I'm nursing) so she got up and picked up one of hubby's books for school. That's what she's looking at in the photos above. Five minutes into the "feeding" she switched sides. It's the only time I've seen her mimic nursing and it was so cute.


  1. that is the cutest thing I've heard-- copying you reading and nursing then switching sides--she is so observant

  2. How cute! What a darling girl. :)
