Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hubby Has a Birthday

Three days after my birthday it's hubby's birthday. He's a year and three days younger than me. But enough about me...this is his birthday. :)

Lizard gave him the Fantastic Mr. Fox which is a movie he really likes. His mom made him a nice card.

I gave him antique cufflinks that I bought behind his back at the Iowa State Fair.

This was a card from my mom.

My parents gave him a balloon shark that you fill with helium and then use a remote control to fly it around. It must be fun because look at the guys on the front front of the box. They're having a blast!

 I could only find one candle for the "cake." It's a brownie tart. The crust it is chocolate pie crust with a brownie bake into it and a butterscotch glaze. It's sad, but it only took us two days to eat it. So yummy!

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