Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dapper Dresser

I don't know if they still do this kind of thing in Middle School anymore, but when I was in seventh grade we had to care for a flour baby for a week. That's right, a "flour" baby. Every student was required to carry around a five pound bag of flour that they had to name and care for based on the assigned gender. I'm sure it was in the hopes of preventing teen pregnancies, but after having three babies and carrying around a purse that weighs more than five pounds I don't think the project did much to realistically convey the challenges of caring for a baby. 

So why am I telling you all this? It has to do with the outfit The Chief is wearing. Since I had to carry around a bag of flour I thought he might as well look cute so I made him arms and legs and a head. Unfortunately, I had no boys clothing since it was just us girls in my family.

My neighbor Colleen thought her last child would be a boy so she bought the little tuxedo The Chief is wearing. Since she didn't have a boy after all she gave me the outfit and my little Kent (named after my cousin) was the best dressed bag of flour at the school. I even have a picture of me with Kent in the outfit somewhere.

My reason for posting pictures of The Chief in this outfit (besides the fact that he's so cute in it) is because my sweet neighbor Colleen passed away from cancer a few years ago so this is my tribute to her. 

 The outfit even has tails!!

Adjusting the bow tie.

He's practicing his conducting skills in his sleep. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I LOVE all these pictures!! Thanks for posting them so we can see our cute family! David and I love you all!
