Sunday, October 28, 2012

The New Arrival - It's A Boy

Well, our little boy is finally here!!! He was born October 21st (one day before his due date) at 3:12am, weighing 7lbs. 11 oz and measuring 20 1/2 inches. I was so ready to meet this baby and have him out of me. That last month really gets you ready for labor. You just want to be done. 

This picture was taken about two hours before I went into labor. I have gone into labor within an half  hour of laying down for bed with all three of my kids.

I was so excited when they told me his weight. All three of my kids weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. I think that's so cool!!

Dad is enjoying giving The Chief (that name is hubby's idea we'll see if it sticks) a bath.

I can't believe I have three kids now.

We're coming home. I'm always in a big hurry to get out of the hospital.


There is a gal at Matthew's work who is really into mustaches, and she gave The Chief this cute binkie. I wonder where she found it. 

So you may be wondering how the other kiddos are adjusting to the new arrival. Lizard thinks he's great and enjoys holding him and Little Bird is adjusting pretty well. She is struggling a little with getting less attention, but thinks the baby is pretty neat. 
Just this morning while I was changing his diaper she heard him crying and she grabbed the pacifier from her dad, walked up the stairs and put it in his mouth. Later on she came up from the basement saying "baby, baby," but could find him. She walked around the entire house, up and down the stairs calling for the baby. I think she's going to be a great big sister if she doesn't poke his eyes out first. :)

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