Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I like the way kids think.

Little Bird got a toy phone for Christmas and in the box there was a little book with funny things kids say. I thought you might enjoy a few of them. Kids really say the darnedest things. I wish I remembered to write down all the funny things my kids say.

Maddy: "What does it mean that it's Election Day?"
Mom: "Today everyone picks who they want to be the President and run our country."
Maddy: "Oh, I hope they don't pick me."

- Maddy age 4

"Soda is not good for your body. You drink it and then you want more and more. The next thing you know you are smoking. " 

- Alyssa age 5

"Mommy you're the most beautiful women in the whole world I ever saw before I left the house."

- Callie age 2

"If the day I came out of your belly is called my birthday, what is the day I went in called?"

- Rio age 4 

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