Saturday, June 8, 2013

Back to the Zoo Again for Dinosaurs?

Lizard had been begging me all week to take her to the zoo again so she could see a special Dinosaur exhibit. We had been to the zoo twice since it's been there but the first time we couldn't find it and the second time we didn't have time. Well, the day finally arrived and we made a special trip so she could see the dinosaurs.

On the way to see the dinos we passed Prairie Dog hill and they were really active. Lizard was able to get up close to a cute baby.

A momma prairie dog started following Lizard around looking for food. At one point another little girl stuck a little stuffed animal in her face and she ran off with it. (The little girl was able to retrieve her toy before it disappeared down a hole.)

 She smelled the popcorn in our stroller and tried chewing through the netting to get to it. I had to tell her that it wasn't a good idea and she should move along.

I don't know if I've mentioned this on my blog, but I LOVE THESE THINGS!!!!!! I think they are so AWESOME!!! If there is one of these somewhere you can bet I'm getting my picture taken.

You may have noticed that I cut my hair. It was time. I'm back to being me again.

I thought it was pretty clever of Lizard to turn her head to match the dinosaur.

Little Bird was terrified! The dinosaurs moved and made dinosaur sounds and she wanted nothing to do with it. I had to carry her throughout the entire exhibit. Notice she will not look at the dinosaurs.

Lizard had to take Little Bird for a second while I got the stroller out of rut and she wouldn't even uncover her eyes.

Lizard wanted me to be sure and get a picture with Tyrannosaurus Rex's mouth open.

She thought it was cool we were parked in the Blue Jay section because that is Creighton's mascot.


  1. You do such fun things with the kids. Loved the covered eyes, reminds me of Cali when she was 3 in the jungle cruise at Disneyland.

  2. So the Chief is sitting up, is he teething, crawling?

  3. You're such a cool mom! Lizard I could never get my pic with prairie dogs while in Oklahoma. They stayed close to their holes and would scamper down them if they saw anyone. Lizard great pic with the dinosaur's mouth open!
