Sunday, October 28, 2012

Baby Shower in a Box

My sister is amazing. She is constantly serving both her family (she has four kids!) and others. She takes meals, sews curtains, babysits, and if she finds out you're not having a baby shower, she'll do that too. Well, she found out I wasn't having one so when my parents came to visit from California she sent them with a "shower in a box." My mom, dad and Lizard helped decorate and set up the games (while I was in the basement) and then we had a party. It was so much fun and came just in time. Three hours after the party ended I went into labor.

 Lizard set up all the games and I was told she really enjoyed herself.

 One of the games was guess how many Skittles are in the bottle. Mom mom ended up winning that one. The yarn was for guessing the size of my tummy. Dad beat out hubby on this one by an inch.

 My sister cut out and glued on every circle of those cute hanging decorations. She also made the cute baby banner that's on the fireplace.

Hubby's job was to sneak getting a cake. Lizard took care of the decorating.

This was a fun game. You put the paper plates on your head and have 30 seconds to draw a baby. The one on the right is my dad's (I thought he was looking), the one on the left is my mom's, and the one above is hubby's. He ended up winning because I thought it was cute.

Guess the baby food game. The boys took this very seriously. My dad ate almost half a jar trying to figure out the mango flavor. Nobody liked the green beans. In the end it was a three way tie and my dad won when he guessed the number closest to the one in my head.

I played this game and actually won. Little Bird is still young so the baby items are fresh in my mind. The boys had a hard time with this one.

Put the cotton balls in the bowl blindfolded game. This one was a draw.

In the end it was the boys who won most of the games and my mom said that's why they're not invited to baby showers. I thought it was fun to see them have the shower experience. Thanks to my awesome sister for throwing such a great party. I wish she could have been here!!

1 comment:

  1. That was so fun of your sister to send you this baby shower-- and so fun that your mother and father could be there. Your games look like everyone enjoyed themselves.
