Monday, February 25, 2013

The Fluffy Stuff


This past week Lizard had President's Day off and two, yes two snow days. We love snow days. They are so much fun. It started snowing at around 11am Thursday and kept going (without stopping) until early Friday morning. Luckily it was a light snow and because it had a low water content once it was plowed it melted off the road quickly. (The school didn't know that would happen though, hence the additional snow day).

Front Yard

I shoveled the path to the door and a third of the driveway before our neighbor across the street came over with is snow blower. Awesome neighbor!! 
Now before you get to thinking I have a lousy husband, you should know that I snuck out and started shoveling without him knowing. I am so tired of being couped up indoors that even if it means I have to shovel snow to get outside then I will. (Going grocery shopping doesn't count for "getting outdoors.")


On Saturday the sun came out and Little Bird actually asked to go out in the snow...she too is suffering from cabin fever and was getting desperate. She lasted about as long as it takes to get her dressed up in her snow gear. Maybe next year she'll think it's fun.

I was out there with Lizard before daddy and I switched places, but I don't have a photo to prove it.


1 comment:

  1. Julia, thank you so much for posting all these fun pictures and videos of you and your family. I love you all and enjoy your blog so much. From the Crafts to She ra to baked goods to Lizards craft....everything ...I loved every minute of reading about it all. Love you lots!!
