Saturday, November 1, 2014

Baby Blessing

"Little Peanut" is out, but we are struggling to find a different nickname. Hubby was thinking General E, but that seems similar to The Chief to me. If I can't think of another one though, that will be it.

The second weekend of October General E was blessed in our ward. My parents, sister's family, Sean Scott, Matthew's parents and Matthew's sister Melina and her son David were present for the special event.

I couldn't find a blessing outfit I liked, or wanted to pay that much for, so I made his pants and bow tie and found the white onesie. The outfit cost me about $11 and I think he looks handsome (I am a little biased.)

When it comes to photos I take what I can get.

My sister and her cute family + mom and dad
(People tell me that I look like my sister...ya I can see the resemblance...tan stylish blonde beauty queen and...then there's me, never mind, I'm not seeing it. Ha, ha.)

Hubby's best friend Sean Scott (it's because of him I met hubby in the first place)

Hubby's Family

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